Suggestions for the maintenance of this FAQ can be directed to Monika Landgraf monika.landgraf∂ (SEK-Gesamtkommunikation) and Timo Schreck timo.schreck∂ (SEK-GK). laboratories that are only used by a certain working group or other group of persons), provided that it is known which persons were present on which days in the previous four weeks. Entschleunigte Studienpläne Das MINT-Kolleg bietet Studieninteressierten sowie Studierenden in den ersten Fachsemestern ein zusätzliches Lehrangebot in den MINT-Fächern am KIT. In most cases, working from home will allow for this to be ensured. Welche Fachschaften und studentische Initiativen gibt es am KIT und wo finde ich sie? der Corona- Pandemie ... des Studiums in der Regelstudienzeit dar. Due to the corona crisis, KIT has made its own regulations to ensure within the legal framework applicable in Baden-Württemberg that students will suffer as few disadvantages as possible through the summer semester 2020. mouth, nose, or eyes), the virus may be transmmitted in this way. Neben der Organisation des virtuellen Sommersemesters und der plötzlichen Umstellung auf digitale Lern- und Lehrformate mussten die Verantwortlichen schnell Lösungen finden, um Klausuren durchführen zu … Die Unterrichtssprache in Energie, Ressourcen & Speicher - ERS ist Englisch, Hydrogeologie & Ingenieurgeologie … In the email to Mrs. Christine Engelhardt (christine.engelhardt∂ cc: kristin.wolf∂, please indicate whether you decide to take the spring or the autumn examination. What is the planning state for the examinations in the 2020 summer semester? The number of examination attempts to which the students are entitled shall remain the same. Offices should be ventilated every 60 minutes. imported goods, mail, or luggage appears unlikely. link. Therefore, flexitime credits or vacation or, if these are used up, vacation for other reasons, accepting loss of payment (§ 31 para. You will then receive the masks by internal mail. We ask all students not to come to the campus for lectures or studying and to attend all courses online instead. So ist es verständlich, dass du versuchst, möglichst schnell zum Bachelor oder Master zu kommen. The technical support staff of KIT can be reached by calling +49 721 608 5555  (internally, calling 5555 will be sufficient) or by mailing to stoermeldung-cn∂fm kit edu  (Campus North) and stoermeldung-cs∂fm kit edu (Campus South, West, East). How can I get in touch with my contact person at Human Resources (Personalservice PSE)? You will also be instructed to contact your family doctor, the medical hotline 116117, or the Health Office to agree on further action. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) answers the most important questions relating to the current situation at: Information from the Federal Ministry of Health: Information on prevention measures, such as cough and sneeze etiquette and a good hand hygiene, is given by the authorities on the following websites, for instance: The Medical Services of KIT also provide information: Please reduce your contacts to as few persons as possible. Before you call or write, please check if answers to your questions can be found in the updated FAQ on the KIT homepage. Up to 250 persons are permitted if, in addition, seats are being allocated and an event program has been set up in advance. You can contact PSE on the phone from Monday through Friday from 9 to 11 via the contact persons‘ regular office numbers, even if some of them work from home. Can I get such certificate from KIT? If you share data with ESS/MSS, enter your times using the clock-in/out corrections and have them approved by your supervisor using the system. The same applies to “isolation at home" as recommended by the Robert Koch Institute. Please note the requirements for an exemption according to §56 paragraph 1 a IfSG. At the moment, it can be assumed that attendance in the winter semester will not yet be possible, as it was "normal" before the start of the Corona pandemic. Am KIT besteht die Pflicht einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung an folgenden Orten: Die KIT-Bibliothek steht in eingeschränktem Maße als Lernraum zur Verfügung, allerdings nur mit Sitzplatzreservierung. According to § 14 (7) of KIT’s Admission and Enrollment Regulations, most of the exams can be taken during a leave of absence. This compensation currently amounts to 67% of the loss of earnings incurred, up to a maximum of € 2016 per month for a maximum of 10 weeks per parent. Für Abschlussarbeiten, die zwischen 17. If the 20 days of paid leave have already been claimed, the entitlement to compensation under § 56 (1a)(2) IfSG shall be exhausted. Veranstaltungen der Mediävistik am KIT; Veranstaltungen der Mediävistik am KIT. All meetings, where participants are listed in the minutes of the meeting. Please contact your examiner for this purpose. (see "Employees" - "Travel / External Visits") and at März bis 24. Information will be provided here as soon as these regulations have been implemented. KIT-Forscher entwickeln Luftreiniger gegen Corona Der Luftreiniger "Aerobuster" soll fast 100 Prozent aller Viren in der Luft entfernen. NO group formation rules in academic education. Den Start des darauffolgenden Sommersemesters plant das KIT unverändert für den 12.04.2021. Sofern in den Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen eine Frist zum Ablegen der Wiederholungsprüfung festgelegt wird, wird diese studiengangsabhängig um ein oder zwei Semester verlängert. There are three status stages: What are the plans for the upcoming winter semester? Note on the resolution of the federal and state governments of 13.12.2020: Wherever possible, consistently avoid hybrid meetings and please hold them exclusively online. a permanent class-type group (group formation principle) of up to 35 persons. For this reason, it is possible and permissible at KIT to install the Corona Warning App on service mobile phones. Please note the current information on care at daycare centres, primary schools. BAföG, family allowances, or health insurance that take into account the realities of student life in times of the Covid 19 pandemic. May the Corona App be installed on mobile work phones? Further measures are not necessary as long as no typical symptoms of an infection with the corona virus occur, i.e. In particular, aid applications should be submitted via "Aid Online", since these digital applications can be processed more easily in telework. Depending on the expected number of examinees, KVV will try to increase the frequency of the buses. Prevention and Attention are required, please follow the advice of the experts: If you have questions or need advice, please do not hesitate to contact the hotline of the State Health Office at 0711-904-39555 (on working days between 9 am and 4 pm). Restricted possibilities for leisure activities or vacations due to the current situation are not reasons for cancellation. Am I allowed to move to Karlsruhe from a corona hotspot / risk area? SCC websites on access, programs, video conferences, e-mails, cyber security, etc. The Corona App shows me a warning, how should I react? Information concerning LBV (State Office for Salary). Prüfungen hab ich jet … – Studis Online-Forum The crisis management team therefore recommends refraining from business trips to high-risk areas and domestic hotspots or limiting travel to what is absolutely necessary. If deregistering by email with your examiner, please use your KIT email address to ensure that your deregistration can be assigned clearly and securely. Deviating from the KIT Studies and Examination Regulations and due to the special situation with regard to the Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), it is now possible to unsubscribe in writing from all examinations in the current examination phase without giving reasons. Klausuren im WS 20/21: Die Klausurtermine wurden unter Einhaltung der geltenden Abstandsregeln KIT-weit geplant. A medical certificate from your attending physician is required to be exempt from the obligation to wear a face mask. In addition, students will not be credited with failed exams, but will be allowed a "free trial". For details, please refer to:, Payment information for persons returning from risk areas. Please keep to the distance rule of 1.5 meters in the bistro and on the terrace. Im Studierendenportal steht ab sofort eine neue „Studienbescheinigung mit Regelstudienzeit“ zur Verfügung. Read more:, Since October 1, 2020, differentiated travel instructions have again been in effect for all countries worldwide. What are my possibilities regarding my work at KIT? If you have not yet fully claimed the 20-day paid leave of absence, you can apply for unpaid leave of absence with compensation from June 2, 2020. What does legislation of Baden-Württemberg provide for in terms of the standard period of study? We thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and wish you a good start of the new semester in spite of the pandemic! The Medical Services (MED) or Experts for Work Safety  (FAS) can be consulted too for workplace risk assessment., The KIT Health Network provides ergonomic tips and assistance for healthy working (not only) at home: This may be the case for, e.g. Droplets emitted when speaking, coughing, or sneezing, can evaporate very quickly, especially in dry and warm ambient air. We have summarized the relevant links and information for you in the following. Basic or continued education - the database presents interested parties with educational opportunities related to climate research. Depending on the conditions at the workplace, protective measures may therefore be required, which the management of the organizational units will take after a risk assessment of the workplace has been completed. Wir hoffen trotzdem, Sie in geteilten Gruppen an ein bis zwei Tagen vor Ort begrüßen und kennenlernen zu können. Random encounters which are only of very short duration compared to the aforementioned period of time are not included (e.g. Then scan and email the weekly total of your working hours to the time management staff at PSE-Zeitwirtschaft, stating your personnel number. Hence, infection with the Corona virus via surfaces of e.g. Fax: +49 721 608-44290 Further measures are not necessary as long as no typical symptoms of corona virus infection occur. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 30 Mal bewertet. Mai 2020 begonnen wurden, verlängert sich die Bearbeitungszeit anteilig. If the deadline for taking examinations is to be extended for the remaining students of the diploma courses, an amendment of the study and examination regulations (SPO) is necessary. hlungen kurzfristig ändern und werden laufend aktualisiert. The aim is to counteract an increase in infections with the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Persons with permanent laboratory workplaces (e.g. Please do not go to work but instead go home and inform your family doctor by telephone. Studierende können sich dort mit ihrem KIT-Kürzel einloggen. It is expected that all students will be informed by their examiners about their examination dates in the 2020 summer semester by the end of calendar week 28 (July 6-12, 2020). Generally, persons entering or returning from abroad from a risk area where they have stayed within the last ten days before entering are now obliged to immediately after entry quarantine themselves for ten days. In particular, persons who have stayed in a designated international risk area within the last ten days before entering the Federal Republic of Germany are obliged to quarantine themselves for ten days immediately after entry. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Technische VWL. A quarantine order is issued by the local health authority. and "I expect guests from a designated international risk area. COVID-19 Digital studieren in Zeiten von Corona. What do the current Corona Ordinance of the state and the CoronaVO Studienbetrieb und Kunst des MWK (valid from December 1, 2020) mean for the KIT? Auch andere Lernräume auf dem Campus können eingeschränkt genutzt werden. If necessary, a one-off extension for up to another seven days can be obtained by telephone. In addition, the following central requirements must be observed for data protection-compliant collection of contact data (more detailed information is available on the website of the Data Protection Staff Unit): Further information & FAQs on this subject can be found on the pages of the Data Protection Staff Unit (DSB): (in German only). 2 SGB V (German Social Security Code V) upon presentation of a corresponding certificate via the statutory health insurance companies. This means, for example, that students can participate in the sessions without activating their microphones or webcams and without having to give their real names. In line with the contact restrictions desired by federal and state politicians, the KIT Executive Board has currently decided to completely suspend attendance events (practical events, written exams, etc.) Das Studium "Bauingenieurwesen" an der staatlichen "KIT" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Bachelor of Science". Please do not deregister by mail in these cases. Education Opportunities focused on Climate. § 6 (3) of the study and examination regulations allows for the type of examination to be changed in agreement between the examinee and the examiner. These measures build on the experience gained when repeating the cancelled examinations of the winter semester 2019/20. Books  that are ready for collection can still be collected on December 16, 2020 at the normal opening times. The authorized signatories are deposited there. I plan a business trip. The deadlines for taking the last study and examination credits of the expiring diploma courses are regulated in the transitional regulations for Bachelor's and Master's courses. Anmeldung. A further focus is on practical courses in all phases of study that require special equipment or working environments (e.g. Mandatory prerequisites for compensation claims pursuant to § 56 (1a) IfSG are as follows. last change: What do I have to consider when entering from foreign risk areas? Sollten alle Termine bereits online ausgebucht sein oder Sie benötigen nur eine kurze Auskunft, könnten Sie uns per Email unter info Wsy3 ∂zib kit edu erreichen. commuters) are exempt from the test obligation. Die Frist zum Ablegen der Bachelor- oder Masterprüfung (Studienhöchstdauer) wird für Studierende, die sich aktuell im höchsten zulässigen Semester befinden, zum WS 20/21 um ein Semester verlängert. (As of December 15, 2020). Die in der Härtequote zur Verfügung stehenden Studienplätze werden an Bewerber/innen vergeben, für die die Ablehnung des Zulassungsantrags eine "außergewöhnliche Härte" darstellen würde. :, Not only for companies, the "First Aid Kit for Successful Distributed Working" of KIT‘s Institute for Information Systems and Marketing provides numerous practical tips and recommendations concerning, for example, communication rules, home office mission statement, the proper attitude or the right team spirit: Due to the handling of the corona pandemic, the start of lectures of the winter semester 2020/21 at KIT has been postponed to November 2, 2020. 12.11.2020 Artikel drucken. No medical certificate is required. Zur Vereinbarung eines Beratungstermins müssen sich Studieninteressierte einmalig im Wiwi-Portal des KIT registrieren. Mit einem normalen Präsenzbetrieb ist auch danach nicht zu rechnen. This flowchart shows the steps to be taken in the case of infected persons when the public health authorities have not yet been notified in order to protect Category 1 contact persons and to interrupt chains of infection. Centrally administrated lecture halls and rooms will be equipped with signs of the distancing, hygiene, and mask rules (in German: AHA-Regeln), regulations on the prohibition of access and participation according to Article 7, Corona VO, and accessories for cleaning the tables and chairs. Bitte melden Sie sich schon jetzt über CAS dazu an. Bitte informieren Sie sich zum aktuellen Stand unter den, letzte Änderung: What can I do? What is to be done in the case of a Covid-19 infection at KIT? I am an external service provider (contractor/partner company) of KIT working on campus. The KIT very much welcomes the fact that the federal states will encourage the federal government in finding flexible regulations for e.g. What has to be considered for the exams in the summer semester 2020? The points listed here should only be observed if the employee was present at the KIT during the last 48 hours before the appearance of symptoms or the smear for the corona test. Please present the certificate to your superior who will weigh up and consider both your situation as an applicant and the situation of your colleagues who, due to such exemption, may be exposed to an increased risk of infection. Die Anerkennung eines Härtefallantrags führt ohne Berücksichtigung von Leistung oder Wartezeit zur sofortigen Zulassung … Where at KIT is wearing a mask mandetory? What am I supposed to do? What are the current regulations? Who can I contact? Founded in 1386, Ruperto Carola is the oldest university in today's Germany and one of Europe’s leading research institutions. Random encounters (e.g. 1 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch - BGB). However, risk assessments are necessary in any case. For example, the use of Zoom at KIT is based on a contract data processing agreement that has been adapted to the KIT requirements. Sch… Lecturers will find further information on the corresponding pages of SLE: What do I have to consider? pro rata mobile work or presence work) shall continue to be released within the scope of their individual target working time. It is also still possible to conduct job interviews online. How do I get my times credited? When planning the new dates, KIT tried to adhere as much as possible to the schedule drawn up before the corona crisis in order to minimize postponements. Ein Vorteil ist, dass die Regelstudienzeit um ein Semester verlängert wurde, das heißt auch die Bafög-Förderung auf die ich angewiesen bin wurde um ein Semester verlängert. As of now, there shall be no ordering of books. Mai 2020, d.h. um 69 Tage). Please use the rooms provided for this purpose. Sie war als Rechtsanspruch für Studenten gedacht, um nicht während ihres Studiums die Streichung ihres Faches aus dem Angebot der Universität befürchten zu müssen. I study with a child. Due to these facts, the authorities recommend to focus prevention on personal protective measures. In case address or telephone number are not available, these data have to be collected additionally. 1,068 Followers, 840 Following, 203 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from RAPANDBLUES (@rapandblues) Erleichterung während der Corona-Krise. Jeder Arbeitgeber hat einen sozialen Auftrag gegenüber seinen Beschäftigten. Wir vermitteln Wissen in zahlreichen Kleingruppenübungen, auf ein- und mehrtägigen Exkursionen wenden Sie Erlerntes an. Currently, consistently avoid face-to-face meetings and please conduct them exclusively online. For this reason, external venues have been rented. Es wird aber eine digitale Ersatzveranstaltung angeboten. Informatik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. I have a medical certificate exempting me from wearing a mouth-nose cover, what do I have to consider? Zudem wurde mit Blick auf die Corona-Pandemie eine Verlängerung der Regelstudienzeit beschlossen. Our colleagues of DE ASERV (General Services) and the contracted service providers continuously take care of the lavatories and toilets on our campuses. An appropriate form is available for download. One of our new basic standards in Corona times is the compliance with infection protection (distance, small groups, washing hands, sneezing and coughing etiquette) in accordance with the requirements of the Corona Regulations of the State of Baden-Württemberg. Access is prohibited also for persons who do not wear a mouth and nose cover. The Corona App shows me a warning. Here you will find outdated and archived FAQ for Studying & Teaching. Schools and daycare centers as well as daycare facilities will be closed from Wednesday, December 16, 2020 up to and including January 10, 2021. If the regular weekly working time is not distributed over five working days, the proportion increases or decreases accordingly. The prior Master's transfer account is limited to 30 ECTS points. An allen Arbeits- und Betriebsstätten sowie auf allen Verkehrswegen und Verkehrsflächen innerhalb von Gebäuden, zum Beispiel Tür- und sonstige Eingangsbereiche, Durchgänge, Flure, Treppenhäuser, Sanitäranlagen, Wege bei Veranstaltungen, Teeküchen, Pausenräumen und sonstigen Begegnungsflächen. Persons with permanent workplaces (e.g. If you have a need for masks, please send an e-mail to sekretariat∂ Since the existing services cannot be scaled, cloud-based online setting must be used instead. 09.10.2020 Verlängerung der Regelstudienzeit However, an amendment to the Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges, which is currently in the process of being passed, provides for general extensions of the standard periods of study and exam deadline for all students enrolled at a Baden Württemberg university in the summer semester 2020. Please use this form for applications for unpaid leave of absence with entitlement to compensation. Lehrveranstaltungen finden zunächst bis 10.01.2021 online statt. The above-mentioned regulation also applies to open-air workplaces. Which Arrangements Have Been Made for On-campus Academic Education in winter term 2020/21? The extension of examination deadlines for  the remaining Diplom students would require an amendment of the study and examination regulations (SPO). Zu Verhaltensregeln bei Präsenz-Veranstaltungen beachten Sie bitte die FAQs des KIT unter "Prüfungen und Lehrveranstaltungen". A commuter certificate is also not required. What is the status quo of the bistro and canteen on Campus North and the cafeterias and canteens on Campus South? Das KIT soll sich für Finanzhilfen für das Studierendenwerk einsetzen, um bezahlbares Wohnen in der Krisenzeit zu ermöglichen. • (in German). Please also note that in accordance with § 2 para. From July 27 to July 31, the seating positions of the examinees must be documented in the examination centers in which more than 100 examinees can be seated. This will cause considerable delay. We ask everyone for patience, calmness, and cooperation in this special situation. Please state your student ID number and the name(s) and number(s) of the examination(s) from which you wish to deregister. Where can I find information about the Corona pandemic in other languages? The Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs has decided that students who are unable to achieve their credits due to the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting limited range of courses will not, in principle, suffer any disadvantages if exceeding the prescribed period of study. Examples of measures that maintain the basic standard are mobile working, if this is possible after consultation with superiors, moving to individual offices, and ensuring presence of only few persons at a time. Kritik von Grünen und SPD in Sachsen: "Ausgangssperre absolut unverhältnismäßig" 25.11.2020 . Since October 1, 2020, differentiated travel instructions have again been in effect for all countries worldwide. Ideally, you will inform the Health Authority about the course attended, the teacher, the day, and the time. How can I obtain the KIT library's and KIT department libraries' seals stating that I have cleared my library accounts prior to my being removed from the register of students? If you have been tested with a positive result, the Health Authority will ask you for the contacts and the events and courses attended. Online study operations will continue to take place. In order to manage the Corona crisis in the best possible way, the Executive Board of KIT has set up a Crisis Unit in which the heads of all relevant organizational units are working together. Hence, the persons using the app are informed of their risk statuses as a function of these values. In the case of symptoms, you are requested to obtain from your family doctor a certificate stating your inability to work. Protection against infectious aerosol can be achieved through systematic ventilation or the wearing of personal protective equipment with particle filtering properties. Damit die Studierenden im Sommersemester 2020 durch die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie keine Nachteile erfahren, wird die individuelle Regelstudienzeit einmalig um ein Semester verlängert. The excluded examinees are recommended to contact the responsible examination committee, if they have questions regarding the further proceeding (e.g. I am in a risk group. The Corona virus has arrived in Germany. Due to the dynamic development in connection with the coronavirus, LBV has been closed for visitors since Wednesday, March 18, 2020, until further notice. Wir vermitteln Wissen in zahlreichen Kleingruppenübungen, auf ein- und mehrtägigen Exkursionen wenden Sie Erlerntes an. You will be instructed to go home or to stay at home if possible and to reduce encounters, as well as to observe behavioral instructions when symptoms occur. Corona pandemic: bridging aid for students in financial emergency situations ... Regelstudienzeit im Fach Rechtswissenschaften erhöht ... Our cleaning kit helps to stay fit. ... Das Sommersemester 2020 soll nicht in die Zählung der Semester-Obergrenzen wie Regelstudienzeit und Studienhöchstdauer eingehen. Until the test result is known, you are requested to stay at home and work from home, in agreement with your superior, even if no symptoms persist and thus no inability to work exists. If I have a medical certificate exempting me from wearing a face mask. The crisis management team has been asked repeatedly to answer questions regarding the necessity of keeping lists of participants. In the case of suspected Sars-CoV-2 symptoms,  employees are requested to stay at home or, if suspected symptoms occur during work, go home immediately and inform their family doctor. Das Deutschlandstipendium fördert Studierende, deren bisheriger Werdegang herausragende Studienleistungen erwarten lässt. Bitte melden Sie sich schon jetzt über CAS dazu an. What must be considered when returning or entering from foreign risk areas? In order to mitigate possible disadvantages due to the Corona crisis when changing from Bachelor’s to Master’s, the prior Master's transfer account is increased to an unlimited extent. Bitte sehen Sie diesbezüglich von Rückfragen ab. What does the nighttime curfew restrictions imposed by the state of Baden-Württemberg mean for KIT, especially for shift work? Doch nun zeigt sich: Bachelor-Studenten in Deutschland brauchen bis zum Abschluss oft deutlich länger als geplant. Please coordinate this with your supervisors. Die KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften beantwortet Ihre Fragen zum digitalen Lehrangebot und allgemeinen Studienbetrieb im Wintersemester 2020/21 hier. 1593 Neuinfektionen und 39 Todesfälle in Berlin+ 56 Böllerverbotszonen festgelegt + Berlin steht Schlange – großer Andrang bei Lebensmittelgeschäften + Der Corona-Blog. Die aktuellen und neusten Infos vom KIT gibt es auf der FAQ Seite zu Corona [3]. Therefore, the Presiding Board has adopted the "Regulation on KIT's Service Operation in Times of the SARS-CoV-2 (Corona Virus) Pandemic. Special paid leave or leave of absence for childcare due to current developments regarding the Corona virus (COVID 19). The examination dates and locations will then also be available in the Campus Management System. This also applies to joint lunch breaks, for example in the team room or the communal kitchen. The quarantine can be terminated prematurely after five days, provided that a negative test result has been obtained. What has to be considered during face-to-face meetings and other gatherings at KIT? In line with the contact restrictions desired by federal and state politicians, the KIT Presidium has currently decided to completely suspend attendance events (practical events, written examinations, etc.) Das Land erlaubt die Freiversuche wegen der schwierigen Studienbedingungen in der Corona-Krise. Who can I contact? Persons showing typical symptoms of an infection with the corona virus (odor and taste disorders, fever, cough, sore throat) are neither allowed to enter the KIT campuses nor to participate in any KIT event. Denn dann kann es sein, dass die im Thread gemachten Aussagen sowieso nicht mehr zutreffend sind und es nicht sinnvoll ist, dazu weiter zu diskutieren. 1a IfSG in the amount of 67 % of the loss of payment (net pay). Mit Wirtschaftspartnern soll er bald auf den Markt kommen.