-softparticlesdefaultoff — Changes the settings for particle rendering: This startup option sets particle rendering using the scene depth blending method (without feathering). autoexec.cfg). Open up Steam, go to Library, right click Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and click "Properties": Then, click "Set Launch Options..." to open up the launch options window: Simply type the launch options you wish to set into the text box and press "OK" to set them. After testing each of the commands separately, it turned out that the best set is only 3 commands. As long as you have more than 2 GB of RAM in your computer, you don't have to add this boot option. Tip: Disabling preload may cause FPS drops on older computers, as the game will have to use additional resources during gameplay. -novid. Their effects are active by default in all your playing sessions. Unfortunately launch options aren't a silver bullet for most players, and as we said above, lots of guides will falsely claim that their selection of "best launch options" are. I recommend to use an autoexec. DirectX 9Ex is now enabled by default, so there's no need for this launch option. For example, with the help of launch options you can set up client’s tickrate (-tickrate), monitor frequency (-freq), FPS limitation (fps_max), interpolation settings (cl_interp) and other technically-important settings. The commands vary from simple ones like “-novid” to more complicated and potentially unstable ones that could crash the game. All Csgo Launch Options. Type the setting codes exactly as shown below starting with a hypen and click on Ok. Copy settings in one click. -nopreload — Forces no preloading of models: This option will prevent models and textures from preloading when connecting to the server. They are the most used and most tested.”. We’ve compiled a list of all the Launch options available for CS:GO along with their explanations. Most players will have turned this off, but we have included this as it will offer a benefit to anyone who hasn't. Keyboard. After opening the app, open the “Library” tab, right click on “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” and select “Properties”. It will force you client to preload models. You’ll find examples of launch options in the following list of Pro CS:GO Configs. Most users will have already disabled VSync via their graphics settings, but we have included this for those that haven't. In effect, any "Offline With Bots" games you play will be ran at this tickrate. When in windowed mode, your computer's resources are still used to render and process components of the Windows UI (e.g. Mouse. -condebug – Logs all console output into the console.log text file. -disable_d3d9ex will disable DirectX 9Ex, but will decrease FPS for most people. -disable_d3d9ex — Disables the d3d9ex mode, which is enabled by default: This boot option will disable the d3d9ex mode at game startup. In fact, the fewer commands, the fewer problems. This will allow Counter-Strike to use all processor cores. Now it can cause a game crash, so in 2019 Valve employee recommended removing this parameter. VSync is an original vertical synchronization technology to prevent screen tearing. Below you can find a list of all known (and working) launch options for CS:GO on Steam. -threads — Selects the number of CPU threads used by CS:GO: This parameter has become outdated and may cause performance problems. What are the best CS:GO launch options? When you start CS:GO for the first time, the game will automatically load the default settings and launch parameters it considers best. Here are the “best” CS:GO launch options in 2019 and 2020: You may now be wondering how it is possible that the set of best start options contains only 3 basic commands. Here are harmful or non-functional CSGO launch options: -lv — Reduces violence in the game: This launch option caused lack of blood and added kneeling of the opponent’s model after death. How to Set CS:GO Launch option? Setting this to 0 can improve FPS slightly but will remove some lighting features from the game, like the flash from flashbangs when they are near smokes, which can cause the negatives of no dynamic lighting to outweigh the positives. SteelSeries Apex … There is no real need to set this launch option in CS:GO, because you can just set a toggle key in your ingame options or your autoexec and, unlike CS:S, the toggle key actually works. Required fields are marked *. You will find an explanation in the next section of this guide. This launch option makes the game start with the console opened. Découvrez ces méthodes pour améliorer votre expérience CS:GO ! This launch option will force your game to start up with the default configuration settings for the game - you can change the settings once the game has started, but when you restart with this launch option, they will be reset to default again. Valve adds new commands and removes old ones. CS:GO launch options are the parameters that are used while launching Counter-Strike. Removing this FPS cap means you can go above … We've included it as players will find this video to be a minor inconvenience that they wouldn't mind getting rid of! CS:GO Launch Options. If you don’t have it, you must adjust the value of the -freq parameter. +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 — Forces the fancy blending of textures to be disabled: This graphic parameter has improved the performance of CS:GO, but was removed during the August 2019 update. With DirectX 9Ex enabled, CS:GO "tabs back in" much faster. Launch options (for advanced users only)-novid -freq 240 -tickrate 128 -console. 1. CSGO-tutorial.com 2015-2020 © All rights reserved. Hit ‘Set Launch Options…’ and a box will pop up. Navigate to the General tab and here will see a Set Launch Options button. This launch option sets the maximum frames-per-second your game will run at. If your monitor has 144hz, enter 144. If you add it, you’ll connect faster to the server, but you can experience the lag for the first few dozen seconds after joining the game. Every gaming setup has differences. During the research, it turned out that there are many starting parameters that don’t work or worsen the performance of the game. The -refresh launch option sets the refresh rate of your client: replace [refresh rate] with your desired refresh rate. CS GO launch options. Whilst VSync can help prevent screen tearing and reduce power consumption, in most cases it will cause input lag, make your FPS seem slower, and cause other issues - i.e. Good job! Fix #4: CS:GO Launch Options. -nojoy — Disables in-game joystick support: This start command allows you to disable joystick support so the game will use less resources. This is another Console Command but it can also be used as a Launch Option which is why you might also see this included on lists for Console Commands. Note: Unfortunately, most launch options guides spread information about the -r_emulate_g command. Because you probably didn’t know that and that’s why you were looking for the best settings. Most players have this enabled by default, but this will offer a benefit if you were previously playing in windowed mode. On this page, you can find a list of all known launch options for the game, the launch options that we at Total CS:GO recommend you use (i.e. -limitvsconst — Limits the number of vertex shaders: This command is an advanced graphics parameter that forces CS:GO to limit the number of vertex shaders to 256. Some people still like to set this launch option, so they are able to see echos they put in their autoexec and know that the autoexec was … They are the most used and most tested. Disclaimers out of the way, here are the launch options we recommend to improve FPS: +fps_max 0 -nojoy -high -fullscreen +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 +cl_forcepreload 1 -limitvsconst -forcenovsync +r_dynamic 0 Copy. It’s worth turning it on if we’re going to debug the game. -language — Changes the game language: This option allows you to change the basic game language. For 144hz monitors, set this to "-refresh 144" so that your game refreshes 144 times a second. The latter is especially important because every player wants to increase the number of FPS and play without lags. You must know that in fact there is no such thing as the best launch options for CS:GO. Before April 2019, DirectX 9Ex was not enabled by default. In other words, this sets how far to the right of the left side of your screen CS:GO should be. In this guide you will find out what the launch options are, how to set them and which are the best in CS:GO. This launch option makes the game drop all joystick support, which can decrease the amount of RAM it uses. Watch this video to see how it looks. In simple language, commands for launching the game in your desired … +r_dynamic 0 is a console command that is mistaken for a launch option (but works as one anyway). Klistra in dina settings som du kopierat från tidigare i detta inlägg. There is no single set of options that is best for everyone. This command removes the FPS cap from CSGO which is enabled by default. To check this, delete this parameter and type mat_info 1 in the console to see at which refresh rate CS:GO works. This launch option forces models not to be preloaded. Unfortunately, most of the guides on the Internet spread incorrect information and do not update the command lists. Because each player and each computer is different, and the commands should always be tailored to individual predispositions. Here you can add or delete launch parameters. On most computers it causes a high input lag! Create your own crosshair or browse crosshairs of the best CS:GO players. Olika inställningar kan vara mest optimala för olika datorer men detta … It removes the FPS cap that is enabled by default. -r_emulate_gl — Enables OpenGL emulation: This launch option will start OpenGL emulation on Windows, which can lead to a drastic increase in FPS on weaker computers. They allow you to overwrite standard settings, which makes them useful for debugging problems and testing game performance. This launch option forces CS:GO to start in fullscreen mode. This means that most players still use outdated parameters. Setting this launch option will open the console automatically when opening the game. Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings, +fps_max 0 -nojoy -high -fullscreen +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 +cl_forcepreload 1 -limitvsconst -forcenovsync +r_dynamic 0, +mat_queue_mode 2 -disable_d3d9ex -r_emulate_g -softparticlesdefaultoff. Right click on the game and select Properties from the list of options available. CSGO launch options for more FPS. -tickrate 128 sets the tick rate of any "Offline With Bots" games, or any servers that you host via your client to 128 (as opposed to 64). 2) Right-click Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and select Properties. Les launch options les plus utiles de CS:GO. -autoconfig - Restores video and performance settings to default for the current hardware detected. This is useful because often commands will return to their default value when you restart your game, commands in your autoexec will keep their values. Like some other "launch options" in this list, this is a console command commonly mislabeled as a launch option. The launch options that you should be running are: -tickrate 128 +fps_max 0 -novid -nojoy Copy. This is because models not preloaded when the map/game is loading will need to be loaded at a later time, likely at the exact moment they are needed, and this will likely add extra latency. -high isn't a launch option that we've included in the above copy text because it can cause some issues for a small portion of computers. The file should be placed in the "Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg" folder. Best Launch Options are no Launch Options. This is actually a console command, but commonly mislabeled as a launch option. This launch option makes the game skip the Valve/CS:GO intro video when you load it up - i.e. +r_dynamic 0 — Turns off dynamic lighting: This command is another parameter that affects the game’s graphics. -tickrate 128 — Sets the highest possible tickrate on local servers: This launch option is one of the most frequently set parameters and should be included in each player’s settings. Tip: If you have already selected the highest refresh rate in Windows options or graphics card settings, the parameter -refresh and -freq is unnecessary. In other words, this sets how far to the right of the left side of your screen CS:GO should be. If you have entered it in your settings, you can delete it. -forcenovsync disables VSync which often causes more problems than it solves. crashes) in future, consider these prime suspects: +mat_queue_mode 2 -disable_d3d9ex -r_emulate_g -softparticlesdefaultoff Copy. -forcenovsync — Deactivates the VSync function: This parameter forces the game to disable VSync. -high will make the CS:GO process higher priority, and therefore, your computer will give resources (RAM, CPU, etc) to CS:GO instead of any other processes that you are running at a lower priority. Unfortunately, some of them can only be set before the game starts. With it, you can set a custom resolution that is not available in the game options. -limitvsconst will limit the game's number of vertex shaders to a maximum of 256, which may offer an FPS boost. For the effects of this command, see this video. Monitor. This applies in particular to outdated graphic card models. Note: The square bracket is just a placeholder, kindly replace them with any value. I recommend to still go with -novid and maybe use -no-browser and -tickrate 128 as well as -language bananagaming if you use a custom Language.. For ConVars like mat_queue_mode, fps_max, cl_forcepreload etc. Most players set their native language on Steam and English in the game. Launch the game enjoy the custom settings in CSGO. -noaafonts — Removes the font smoothing effect: This parameter is outdated and has not changed the font appearance or increased the number of FPS for several years. This set of CS GO best launch options is focused on giving you the best possible performance from the Frames-Per-Second perspective. Note that launch options starting with + are actually just console commands (cvars) but work as launch options as well - we have included these are they are commonly mislabeled as launch options, and may be useful for some players. If you have a powerful computer and your game is running smoothly, don’t use them! the "best" launch options), and a tutorial showing how to set them via Steam. Such a command does not exist though. Project & content manager @ CSGO-tutorial.com (yes, I'm the guy responsible for what lands on this website). Image via Steam . exec autoexec.cfg if we have an autoexec file we want it to run when we open CS:GO # Other launch options. If you want to disable it, use -disable_d3d9ex. Les options de lancement peuvent être utilisées afin de modifier les paramètres d'un jeu avant son lancement. +cl_forcepreload 1, like some other "launch options" we've listed, is actually a console command that people commonly mistake for a launch option. Go to your desktop, right click, and press "Screen resolution", Select the monitor you wish to change settings for, and click "Advanced settings". Common CS:GO Launch Options -autoconfig – This options will restore video and performance settings to default for your current hardware and ignore the settings in any.cfg files. Callouts. This is an excellent way to make your adjustments and keep them running – of course, if you are entirely sure of what you are doing. Also don't use -high, don't use -threads # and absolutely never use -processheap! This launch option sets the position of your CS:GO window on the Y axis of your monitor. Good to know: Even some professional players were trolled and used -nod3d9ex parameter. But it also has a few disadvantages. Gear. CS:GO launch options or launch commands are settings with which you start the game, that allows you to edit the Counterstrike default configurations. Finding the parameters that could be considered the best was not that easy. Why? -nod3d9ex — Disables some of the features of DirectX 9: This launch option never really existed and was a joke. When you ask professional players for the best launch options, you probably won’t get any answer. What is a CS:GO set Launch Options Game launch options can be used to change game settings before running the game. Enter the launch option you wish to apply and save changes. This may offer an FPS improvement, but may also cause FPS issues, so we recommend you test this before using it in competitive games. Ping depends on the quality of communication, the higher the quality, the lower the ping, and the lower the ping, the more convenient it is to get into the head. Here’s how to set them up: 1) Open up your Steam Library. It should disable the in-game browser that shows in servers as welcome messages (not the Steam overlay). Learn more about this and check out the list of the most useful commands in the article CS:GO Launch Options – the Ultimate Guide. Firstly, if you aren't actually experiencing low FPS (and are likely of the mentality that "more is better"), we recommend that you don't use the launch options listed in this section. Good to know: Pro players usually have 240 hz monitors. If you're not getting a refresh rate of 144hz after setting this launch option, make sure that you have changed your Windows graphics settings to 144hz. Since the removal of the -lv (low violence) launch option, this launch option is your best bet at getting a game close to the low violence version. Here are CS:GO launch options for more FPS: When you should use FPS boost launch options: Before you add these parameters, read carefully how they work and what the consequences are! Setting Game Launch Options; Menu principal. -refresh / -freq — Adjusts the monitor refresh rate: This parameter selects how many times per second the pixels on the monitor will be refreshed. We recommend that you do not use this launch option as it can cause instability and other problems - generally, CS:GO does a good job of managing its thread usage. Through console commands. Some of this commands might make no difference in your game experience, some could give you a couple FPS and others could deduct you another couple of FPS. To use them, you have to use a ready-made tool that is available in the Steam library. It's debated whether this has any noticeable effect on performance, but it's really, really unlikely that it'd hurt to have it in your launch options, so we've included it! Is it worth having 5 ms longer delay to gain 30 FPS? Here are the pro players CS:GO launch options: As you can see, most pro players use the only basic parameters, which are limited to a few commands. This is my constantly updated CS:GO autoexec config. 2. Make sure the launch options don't contain quotes around them (") or any other odd characters, the only characters that should be in launch options are letters, numbers, and these: +, -, and _. -r_emulate_g will make CS:GO emulate OpenGL, which can cause an FPS boost for some players (reason unknown to us, but the source of this claim is Valve). When you’re done, click “Save”. Your email address will not be published. Click it. Good to know: The most popular startup options among our users is -novid, which disables the intro when the game starts, and -exec autoexec.cfg, which loads a custom config file. For example, “-novid” is a launch option that automatically skips the video that plays when CSGO is initially opened by the player. They allow you to overwrite standard settings, which makes them useful for debugging problems and testing game performance. This launch option sets the width of your CS:GO window in pixels (e.g. This launch option sets the height of your CS:GO window in pixels (e.g. This is why you should think about adding your own parameters. Well, there is a false belief in CS:GO that the more parameters, the better. Klicka på “Set launch options” 3. Many Console Commands can function as a launch option by adding a \"+\" in front of the console command, but some cannot be used in this fashion. Note: The -high parameter is a commonly used setting which is not recommended. This launch option sets the width of your CS:GO window in pixels (e.g. Using launch commands in CS:GO Before we check out the best launch options, let us quickly take a look at where you can input them. Sorry about that! We recommend you try it, and if it doesn't cause issues, keep it in your launch options. 1. Tip: If you have a high-end PC, you probably don’t need 99% of all launch parameters. If you'd like to use it anyway, it is: We recommend that you set your resolution via your CS:GO settings to avoid any potential problems, but if you wish to use a resolution that isn't pre-defined, use the below launch option: Replace [width] with your desired resolution width in pixels. Sometimes it also changes the operation of existing parameters, but does not publish information about it. If you experience stutters when you have other windows open on your computer (e.g. Most of the commands that players use to improve performance do not really improve it or improve it only minimally. This method is good for some global changes to the game – those you plan to use in all upcoming games. to increase FPS). Copy settings #1; Copy settings #2; Download .cfg; CROSSHAIR GENERATOR. -h / -height — Sets the height of the game window (resolution): This command, like the previous command, configures the game resolution. When you add it, minimizing the game may take a little longer, and CPU consumption may increase. Tip: On most computers the -high parameter is useless. Copy settings in one click. -noborder — Removes the application border and imitates full-screen mode: This parameter allows you to completely remove the border (a bar with the app name and Min/Max/Max/X icons) when window mode is enabled. "-language english" will make CS:GO start in English. You're probably here for only one of those three things - if that's the case, use the buttons below to jump to the part of this page that is most relevant to you. We took a lot of time to collect and thoroughly test the most popular CSGO launch options. Nevertheless, we called this headline that way. Launch options are commands which do just that. We'll assume that you are happy with it, but you can also opt-out if you wish. CS:GO is one of those rare games with plenty of steam launch options that can greatly help boost FPS and game performance. For example "-x 100" would make CS:GO start 100 pixels away from the left side of your screen (there would be a 100 pixel gap between the left side of your screen and the CS:GO window). Note that if you have issues with not enough RAM available, you may want to remove this launch option to free up memory. The value should be matched to the specific computer. Here’s all you need to know about CS:GO launch options. That depends. If you have changed your settings while the game is on, you must restart it! Välj “Properties” 2. However, we do not recommend this setting, as the difference will not be noticeable. If you've used launch options from our guide, make sure you've replaced anything surrounded by square brackets (e.g. If you haven’t already done it you are in luck since this noobs2pro guide shows you the best and most effective ways to boost FPS and get plenty of in-game advantages. We've separated this guide into several sections, so that you can view our recommendations based on your needs: We told a white lie when we said that launch options aren't a "one size fits all" tool. [height]) with a value. Our website uses functional cookies and scripts to give you the best experience. Restart your CS:GO for them to take effect. For example, to set your resolution to 800x600, you'd use the following launch option: An autoexec is simply a text file with a list of commands that are executed when you start CS:GO. CS:GO launch options are the parameters that are used while launching Counter-Strike. The correct command is -r_emulate_gl. CS:GO Launch Options - These are some settings, which settle the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive rules before the game is started. Because you don't really need them to improve FPS, meaning negatives (many) will outweigh the positives (better FPS) - for example, we list a launch option that disables dynamic lighting. Enabling this setting will make the application look as if it is in full screen mode. These players do not focus on such aspects of the game, because they have a high-end PC with a huge number of FPS. Whilst this will have a different effect for every computer, chances are, this command will make games/maps load faster, but may cause worse performance during actual gameplay. -console – Starts the game with the developer console enabled. -r_emulate_g — Will make the game emulate OpenGL: Like the previous command, this parameter does not exist. This launch option sets the tick rate of any server/single player game you run from your client to the number that you replace [tick rate] with ("-tickrate 128" recommended). This works to improve FPS by disabling "fancy blending" - the downside is that it makes textures look less detailed. This launch option forces CS:GO to start in windowed mode. This launch option forces CS:GO to not use VSync. -fullscreen / -full — Starts the game in full screen mode: This command forces CS:GO to run in full-screen mode and may solve some graphical settings issues. -high — Gives the CS:GO process a high priority: This parameter will give the Counter-Strike process the highest priority on your system. You can do it easily with the ready-made Steam tool. These launch options are also less common and less tested. They can also cause lags that are not visible at first sight. -novid will remove the short Valve video clip that plays when CS:GO launches. on training maps) and on a private server. To input launch options, head over to Steam, right click on CSGO and go to properties. We recommend checking the performance of the game before and after its setting. Use it if you want to select a custom application height in window mode. This is probably the most well made explanation regarding launch options for CSGO. Launch options are customized parameters that indicate which settings should be loaded at game startup. Tip: If you want to manage acceleration and custom mouse configuration, use m_customaccel..., m_mouseaccel... and m_rawinput commands. If you are looking for more tutorials of this type, surely check out our CSGO ranks guide 😀, You guys rock!!! Ignores settings inside any .cfg files until this parameter is removed. Effectively, this means that CS:GO will take priority over other processes running on your computer at a lower priority. You should choose the highest possible value for your monitor.